Thursday, March 15, 2012

March Madness

Brandon and I are often told that we're a pretty competitive couple. Not sure where people get that from, maybe it's that we believe losing in a board game is not an option or possibly we can turn anything we do into a competition OR winning is in both our top 5 favorite things to do. Our games of UNO and Phase 10 in the hotel have become pretty heated. Well today during our 2 hour wait for Brandon's MRI he convinced me to fill out a bracket. Bad idea. Our bed time tv tonight turned into him yelling VCU! VCU! and myself making up random Wichita State cheers. I know your thinking, "VCU vs. Wichita State, really Brandon and Sam?". Guess this time of year brings out the best in all of us.

Happy March Madness, Go Big Ten!

1 comment:

  1. Brandon,
    I just heard about your fight in church today from your uncle. Years ago in Sunday School I could see your determination, strong will and just a little bedevilment ;) All these will serve you to fight this battle. Know you are in my prayers!
    Barb McNitt
